Making a hotfix release ¶
This list outlines the manual steps needed to make a hotfix release of the
If main
contains in-progress work that is not yet ready for a release but a simple code fix
is needed in production, a separate process to test the changes before deploying to production must be undertaken.
This is called a hotfix release. Typically, a hotfix release involves a simple code change that can be quickly implemented, in contrast to a rollback release, which generally requires more complex code changes which take more time to implement.
0. Create a temporary hotfix branch from the latest release tag ¶
git checkout -b <hotfix-branch> <release-tag>
Replace <hotfix-branch>
with the hotfix branch name and <release-tag>
with the latest release tag.
1. Fix whatever issue is wrong using the hotfix branch ¶
Commit the code changes that fix the issue that prompted the hotfix.
2. Tag the HEAD of the hotfix branch with a release tag ¶
git tag -a YYYY.0M.R
Git will open your default text editor and prompt you for the tag annotation. For the tag annotation, use the release tag version and close the text editor.
3. Push the tag to GitHub to kick off the hotfix ¶
git push origin YYYY.0M.R
4. Generate release notes ¶
Edit release notes with additional context, images, animations, etc. as-needed and link to the Release process issue.
5. Merge into main
for the next release ¶
Create a PR to merge the changes from the hotfix branch into main
for the next release.